Alfredo Griffin Had Back Surgery with Dr.

I really have to thank Dr. Watkins for standing by me and for being supportive. He really was there for me through this very difficult and confusing period of my life. The staff was great, too. The pain was terrible, and I’m really glad that Dr. Watkins understood that and was determined to help me get rid of it.

Alfredo Griffin

I played through the pain. I tried to pretend like it wasn’t so bad but it’s terrible. Going to the Marina Spine Center and having Dr. Watkins confirm that the pain that I was enduring was a lot and a more serious approach would be in order to fix it only makes the whole thing more real. Dr. Watkins performed surgery on my back with the intention of establishing a diagnostic.

He was worried that he would encounter some sort of infection there, but thankfully, that was not the case.  He said that I have degenerative disc disease in a pretty advanced stage which is why I am in so much pain. Dr. Watkins said that he would recommend I get some cortisone injections for pain relief. A more permanent solution would be to have spinal fusion surgery but that’s some serious stuff and I would have to be out for maybe even 18 months.